The Eagle Creek Direct Action
The Eagle Creek Tree Sit inhabits Unit 2 of the Eagle Timber Sale. Unit 2 is a prime example of Old Growth Temperate Rain Forest. It contains Western Hemlock, Western Red Cedar, Silver Fir, Noble Fir, Pacific Ewe, and giant Douglas Fir trees. This unit is slated for a "Shelterwood' cut. Shelterwood is essentially a clear-cut that happens in two stages over 10 years. It destroys the ecology of the cut area and is not a sustainable forestry practice.
We are living in these trees to create public awareness of the Federal Timber Sale Program; to expose it for exactly what it is: a massive government subsidy to the timber industry. We believe that Forestry should be practiced responsibly and sustainably. It is not acceptable to harvest public forests unsustainably to insure a short term profit for the timber industry. This type of forestry insures that even more loggers will lose their jobs in the Future. These are PUBLIC FORESTS and their management should benefit the public. The Eagle Timber Sale is clearly not in the public interest. The Forest Service has failed to follow their own guidelines outlined in the Watershed Analysis, the Environmental Impact Statement, and the Northwest Forest Plan Aquatic Conservation Strategy.
Due to the Salvage Rider we have no legal means to contest this sale, so we are faced with a choice: Sit back and watch another virgin public forest fall victim to the chainsaw, or try to do something to stop it. We have chosen to do something. Our Tree sit may be illegal, but this pales in comparison to the blatant disregard the Forest Service has exercised in even considering this area for timber harvest. Damaged forest ecosystems do not recover quickly, and in many cases they do not recover at all. If it is later deemed that logging at Eagle Creek was not appropriate (which it obviously is not), then we will have lost another pristine Oregon forest, possibly forever.
As citizens of the Earth, we have a collective responsibility to preserve the ecosystems upon which our survival depends. Some people may consider our actions extreme, but we do not consider the passionate desire to maintain clean water to be an extreme position. We have every right to demand accountability from the government agencies that are supposed to be protecting our interests above all else. We will not sacrifice the health of our planet, or our children for timber profit. We encourage you to support our Tree Sit. Are your best interests being served at Eagle Creek? Come visit YOUR forest, and decide for yourself.
Last Updated 5/20/99